Marathon Training
Well, I knocked a whole minute off of my mile time in just one week. I ran two straight 12 minute miles last week and then Ronnie caught a cold and I'm directing for a play festival and Tommy and Jack both have little league games and birthday partys in the next two weeks and . . . I'm going running this afternoon when I get home. Still, ran for 24 minutes straight and made it 2 miles. I just need to do that 13 times in a row!
Whenever I start to get too complacent though, Ronnie likes to shake things up. He caught a cold which caused some scary rapid raspy breathing. Then it went away. Then it came back. He timed the relapse well. Tuesday night so that when we went to hospital on Wednesday they could order a chest x-ray. No pneumonia but probably some kind of bacterial infection in the bronchial tubes so he's getting amoxicillin this week. He's doing better already and we get two weeks off from chemo. Hooray!
In theater news, my play Cloud 7 has made the finals for a festival in Carrboro, NC, just a stone's throw from Durham (my hometown), and it would just be way cool to make the last cut. It would be a great excuse to get home for a few days this summer. I'll have to work around Ronnie's chemo schedule but, if the play gets in, I'll make it happen, somehow.